Music News, Reviews and live music video for the aging rocker set

November 18, 2008

Prince - Now A Bible-Tapper

An atmospheric piece about Prince has hit the current New Yorker which is entirely worth reading if not just to read the description of him as "a small fifty-year-old man in yoga pants wearing platform flip-flops" and talking about how as a Jehovah's Witness he goes door to door spreading the good word. Years ago I remember seeing an MTV 'where are they now' special where Vanity of Vanity 6 talked about how she prayed for Prince's soul every day, well I guess that worked!

By the way, what with those religious stances, you can likely count Prince among the folks who voted against gay marriage in California. Way to kill a fanbase.

1 comment:

mzamar said...

Oops - now he says he loves the gay:

Well he seemed awfully purple to not like them.