Music News, Reviews and live music video for the aging rocker set

July 30, 2007

Gene Simmons Family Jewels

And since I have nothing musical to talk about lately except my minor obsession with 'reality shows' about washed up rockstars... I did give in to watching a few episodes of Gene Simmons Family Jewels, a show I swore I wouldn't give in to because I've heard over and over what a jerk this guy is (regardless of how lovely a song Rock and Roll All Night is). Weirdly the show doesn't show Simmons to be as much of a jerk as just an old pain in the ass. Rather than exposing a softer side to a celebrity known for their darkness and outrageous behavior as The Osbornes did so many moons ago, Family Jewels just exposes the nebbishy grump behind the darkness and outrageous behavior. Oy oy oy. After watching a few episodes it's not hard to imagine the real life Simmons and the make believe character of George Costanza's father spending time together complaining about the price of quality footwear. But the qustion is, would I like to see that on TV? The answer is a resounding "NO". There is hope for Simmons' son, but the rest? I find it hard to believe this is a show about a man who once was part of a band who said they wanted to rock and roll all night and party every day.

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