Music News, Reviews and live music video for the aging rocker set

August 30, 2007

Like they're running out of bands out there...

A brief field trip to the Borders near my job revealed Tegan and Sara, The New Pornographers, and Rilo Kiley on nearly every music magazine cover. I am not going to go through the dignity of linking their names here as there is ample opportunity for you to find out about them in music publications of both the indie and major league varieties as noted in first sentence.

I know this is not something unheard of, but it does kind of make a sad statement. I know from personal experience that when you're a music reviewer your mailbox gets stuffed full of new CD's every day, so I guess my question is, in a month, are there really only a small child's handful worth talking about, or are we just not doing our job to find out about other artists, and/or shortlist bands whose labels don't have the funds to buy nice big glossy ads? Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of suck out there which can be thrown out immediately, and I do like The New Pornographers, but like the lady says "Is that all there is?"


MattKiffmeyer said...

Giant record labels, like De Beers, must control all music and dribble it out to us, the unwashed masses, because music, like the diamond supply, us a non-renewable resource that can not be simply manufactured in a lab/recording studio.

So, they are doing the world a favor by artificially creating supply shortages, justifying exhorbetant prices, so that we don't consume it all in a binge induce weekend along with the world's chocolate supply.

mzamar said...

Matt, you totally rule.